Fruits and Nuts Custard | Instant, Simple and Delicious Dessert

Today I am sharing the recipe of simple yet delicious dessert and that is fruits and nuts custard.
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Here is the list of its ingredients and method:
Milk - 1/2 ltr
Custard Powder (vanilla flavour) - 1 tbsp
Sugar - 2-3 tbsp
Banana - 1 (cut in slices)
Apple - 1 (chopped)
Pomegranante Seeds - 1/2 cup or 1 medium
Raisins - 1 tbsp
Almonds - 8-10 (chopped)
Walnuts - 5-6 kernels (chopped)
Cashew Nuts - 8-10 (chopped)

1. Boil the milk in a sauce pan. In a bowl, mix custard powder with 2 tbsp of milk and put it into the boiling milk. Mix it well. Also add sugar into it and mix it well and give it a nice boil. Switch off the flame and cool it down.
2. After cooling down the custard milk, add chopped almonds, walnuts, cashew nuts, raisins, apple, banana and pomegranate seeds into it and mix it well. Keep it into the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.
3. Fruits and nuts custard is ready. Garnish it with some fruits and nuts and serve it chilled.

Do Subscribe my channel #mjpassion4food for more recipes.

Below is the video of this recipe:
