Beetroot Schezwan Rice

Beetroot Schezwan Rice is so delicious and easy to cook recipe. Just stir fry any of your favourite veggies, then add boiled Rice and schezwan masala into it and mix it. So easy, simple and quickly made recipe.

You can also watch the video of this recipe, for viewing: Click here

Here is its ingredients and method:
Basmati Rice (boiled) - 2 cups
Carrots (in Julienns) - 1
Beetroot (grated) - 1/2
Capsicum (in Julienns) - 1
Onion (in Julienns) - 1
Schezwan Masala - 2 tbsp
Coriander leaves - 2 tbsp (chopped)
Oil - 2 tablespoon

1. Take a non-stick pan and put it on the stove. Put oil into it and once the oil become hot, add onions and stir fry it.

2. After that put the carrots and capsicums into the pan and let them stir fry into the oil for 2 minutes. Then put the grated beetroot into the pan and mix it well.

3. Then add the boiled rice into the pan and also add schezwan masala. Mix it well and turned the flame off. The healthy and delicious beetroot schezwan fried rice is ready now. Serve it hot.

4. Put the rice into the plate and garnish it with some coriander leaves and serve it hot.

Note: No need to add salt as it includes in schezwan masala. You can also add cubes of cottage cheese (Paneer), france beans, cabbage, red or yellow bell peppers, etc. into it.

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