Homemade Vermicelli

Homemade Vermicelli (Sevian) is made of with refined flour. To make it healthy you can add half of oats flour, barley flour or any other flour along with the refined flour. With this homemade vermicelli you can make various sweet and savoury recipes. This is so simple to make and best part of this is that we don't required any equipment for making this. You can make it in your free time with your hands and use it in your cooking whenever you want to.

Here is the detail of ingredients and its method:
Refined Flour - 1 Cup
Water - as required

1. Knead the stiff dough of refined flour and keep it aside for 10 minutes to rest.

2. Now take a small portion of dough and roll it in your palms.  Hold it in one hand and take pinch of dough from your other hand and roll it between your thumb and index finger to make a 1 inch long vermicelli and keep it in a tray. Make vermicelli in this way and spread it in a tray so that it won't stick with each other and let it dry. Keep it in a sunlight for 3-4 hours for drying.

3. Homemade or handmade vermicelli is ready. You can preserve it in a airtight container for 20-30 days. If you want to store it for longer duration then you can dry roast this homemade vermicelli on low heat and then preserve it and use it whenever you want.


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