Stuffed Masala Brinjal

Stuffed Masala Brinjal is very delicious side dish which is served with paratha, chapati, etc. and it is very easy to cook. Many people don't like to eat brinjal but this recipe is surely liked by those too. You can stuff any kind of masala in brinjals, be it onion - tomato stuffing or dry spices mix stuffing as per your choice. I used to filled the brinjals with dry spices mix. This recipe is very simple and cooked within 15-20 minutes.

Here is its list of ingredients and method:

Small Brinjals - 500 gms
Coriander Seeds - 2 tbsp
Cumin Seeds - 1 tbsp
Sesame Seeds - 3 tbsp.
Peanuts - 4 tbsp
Dry Red Chilli - 3-4
Black Pepper Corn - 1 tbsp
Asafoetida - 1 tsp
Garam masala - 1 tsp
Dry Mango Powder - 1 tsp
Turmeric Powder - 1/2 tsp
Salt - 1 tsp
Oil - 3-4 tbsp


1. Wash the brinjals and dry it. Don't cut the stem of brinjals and from the bottom side, make a slit vertically from the centre and other slit intersecting the first one. Cut all the brinjals in this way.

2. Dry Roast the coriander seeds, cumin seeds, sesame seeds, peanuts, dry red chilli and black pepper corn and grind it to make powder. Then add asafoetida, garam masala, dry mango powder, turmeric powder and salt in it and mix it well.

3. Take brinjal one by one and fill the above mixed masala in the slits of it. Then heat oil in a non stick pan and put the brinjals one by one in it. Then sprinkle any leftover masala over it, cover the pan and let it roast for 4-5 minutes on low heat. Then turn the brinjal carefully so that it doesn't break and again cover the lid so that it cooks under its own steam and let it cook for another 4-5 minutes. When brinjals cooked well then switch off the flame. Stuffed masala brinjal is ready to serve. Serve it hot with chapati, paratha or rice. (You can also add potato wedges in this recipe).
