Grapes Vermicelli Salad

We all know that salads are very good for our health. Today I am sharing the recipe of grapes vermicelli salad.

Grapes contains very numerous health promoting nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, dietary fibre, antioxidants, etc. It has the ability to treat the constipation, indigestion, fatigue, kidney disorders,etc. It has a high water content which helps in keeping the body hydrated.  You know, even the seeds of the grape are also very beneficial for our health.

This salad also consists orange juice, vermicelli, carrots,tomatoes and onions. This savoury and tangy salad along with the sweetness of grapes is not only tasty 😋 but so healthy too.  I used the regular tomatoes in the recipe but you can also use cherry tomatoes in this salad. I used green grapes. You can also add black grapes. In this way you can made this salad more colourful and more healthy.

Generally kids are very fussy while eating fruits but they surely like this savoury and tangy vermicelli grapes salad and could not resist themselves to have this.

Here is its full recipe:-
Green Grapes - 1 cup
Vermicelli - 1/2 cup (boiled)
Orange juice - 3-4 tablespoons
Carrot - 1 (chopped)
Tomato - 2 medium (chopped)
Onion - 1 (finely chopped)
Coriander leaves - 2 tablespoons (chopped)
Schezwan sauce - 1 tablespoon
Cumin Seeds - 1 tablespoon
Mustard seeds - 1 tablespoon
Chaat masala - 1 tablespoon
Garam masala - 1/4 teaspoon
Salt to taste
Oil - 1 tablespoon
For garnishing
Orange Roundel
Coriander sprigs

1. Take a pan and heat oil into it. Add mustard seeds and cumin into it. When it starts crackling then add chopped onions into it and sauté it.

2. When onions turned translucent then add carrots, schezwan sauce and salt to taste into it and cook for 1 minute and switch off the flame.  (Don't need to cook it fully as we are making salad. We just want to cook until rawness  of onions and carrots ends)

3. Then add boiled vermicelli, green grapes, tomatoes, orange juice, coriander leaves, chaat masala, garam masala into it and toss it well.

4. Grapes vermicelli salad is ready. Put it in the serving bowl. Garnish it with orange roundel and coriander sprigs and serve it.
