Khoya Pudding with Banana Cake

Full cream milk - 1 ltr
Khoya (Mava) - 500 gm
Sugar - 3-4 tablespoons
Banana Cake - 200 gm ( cut in thin slices)
Vanilla essence - 1 teaspoon
Cardamom powder - 1 teaspoon
Cashew nut paste - 2-3 tablespoons
Crushed Almonds - 2 tablespoons
Raisins - 2 tablespoons
Coconut powder - 1 tablespoon
Chocolate shavings - 2 tablespoons

Serving - 3-4

1. For making khoya pudding, take a non stick pan and put the milk and cook it on medium heat and add sugar into it and let it simmer until it reduced to 1/3. Keep stirring so that it doesn't stick to the pan. Add crumbled khoya, vanilla essence, cashew nut paste and cardamom powder into it and mix it well. Cook it for 4-5 minutes. Finally add crushed almonds, raisins and coconut powder into it and mix it well. Nice khoya pudding is ready, keep it aside and let it cool.

2. Now keep slices of banana cake  into the serving bowl and pour khoya pudding over it. Garnish it with chocolate shaving and refrigerate it for 1- 2 hours. Serve it chilled.
